Intraoral Drainage And Neck Exploration of Cervical abscess following Acute Supraglotitis: A Case Series

Norsyamira Aida Mohamad Umbaik, Afiza Izura M Sofi, Ali Haron, Nik Khairani Nik Mohd, Shamina Sara Moses, Rosli Mohd Nor, Hashimah Ismail, Irfan Mohamad


Acute supraglottitis or epiglottitis is regarded as one of the feared pediatric emergency. With the advance in immunization, it is now less frequently seen in the group however there is an increase incidence in adult. Abscess formation following an acute episode of supraglottitis is uncommon but carries a significant morbidity and mortality. We present three cases of acute supraglottitis complicated by deep neck abscess. All of the patients required incision and drainage under general anesthesia with two of them required both intraoral and external approaches to drain the abscess. All of the patients recovered well postoperatively.

International Journal of Human and Health Sciences Vol. 02 No. 03 July’18. Page : 149-154


Supraglottitis; epiglottitis; cervical abscess

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Copyright (c) 2018 Norsyamira Aida Mohamad Umbaik, Afiza Izura M Sofi, Ali Haron, Nik Khairani Nik Mohd, Shamina Sara Moses, Rosli Mohd Nor, Hashimah Ismail, Irfan Mohamad

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